Yeah how dare he! He built the company so how dare he try and take some of the profits, what is he thinking!
Yeah how dare he! He built the company so how dare he try and take some of the profits, what is he thinking!
“John Deere even argued that letting people modify car computer systems will result in them pirating music through the on-board entertainment system”
What!? Women are individuals? With nuanced wants, needs and dreams!? That’s not what my GOP hand book says. I’m going to need to double check that...
“Because I think my policies will provide better leadership for America. But it’s up to the American people to decide, and I look forward to competing against any man or women for the votes of Americans everywhere.” See? It’s not hard! Why does every republican candidate have such a hard time answering questions like…
Are there any attractive North Korean women?
Not all of us. I only care about whether his moves suck or not and if his fatality is gory and over the top. Whom he spends his time with when not ripping out spines or pouring acid all over his opponent really doesn’t matter either way to me.
Getting a Lexus is the equivalent of wearing sweatpants in public. You don’t care what you look like or how it works, you just want to be comfortable. Not great, not good, just comfortable.
Ford: Now you can finally take life...A quarter mile at a time.
BS, He's a cop that helped try to cover up a murder, arrest, and fire him to your skin color shouldn't protect you no matter what color it is.
Artist don't like the fact that their product has been commoditized(decreased power of manufacturer, drastically lower product prices). Instead of adapting and figuring out a new business model to make the same amount OR more money. They are fighting it by trying to hold on to the old business model(controlling…
I dont even watch wrestling anymore...but i'm going to order wrestlemania to watch online. Gotta support a fellow dbz fan.
A loud bitter long rate seems about par for the course with Clarkson
I would get absolutely no work done after this happened.
Whatever part the lawyers(we pay) can find that supports our argument. It will be a large and wealthy constituency. We'll be fine.
In the future...the NRA will be replaced by the NDA(National Driver's Association) as the most powerful lobby in US politics. I can't wait to stand at a political rally with a gear shifter screaming "YOU CAN TAKE MY GEAR SHIFTER WHEN YOU PRY IT FROM MY COLD, DEAD HANDS!!!!"
I would. that would be hilarious. GTA V is also about social commentary and if they did in fact make the cops racist. That would be hilarious in a funny because it's true sort of way.
ewww it's a lexus. The car you buy when you don't want your car to have any soul.
You mean like they did?
Those that can't bitch and critique others on the internet. Those that can avoid cars that come out of nowhere around a blind turn on a narrow road. Whether you think they were going too fast or not, great reaction times and avoidance.