fluxus flucker

@brightpeonies: So icky. But, so gorgeous. And that voice!

@grace_effect: Honestly? I think its the fact that he's a man who is a women's size 0. Look at his picture; dude is tiny.

In the past two years a similar case has come to light regarding my childhood pediatrician. I was one of the kids he molested during his career spanning over 30yrs.

Love the tag of "Fabulous Party That I Did Not Attend".

@RudyWaltz: "I was such a huge JCrew person back then, still am... We sometimes just like to go Starbucks on weekends, take an L.L.Bean catalogue, and I'll say, 'Honey, what's new?!' and she has 5 minuets to look through and..."

Personally, I'm very much against the old fashioned way of having the bride's family pay for the entire wedding. I'm horrified to think that one member of a modern couple would pay for the entire wedding - that's not even justified by tradition!

@Imjustnotthatintoyou: Aside from that making no damn sense...there are some truly evil (a term rarely employed in my vocabulary) statements made in that rambling "explanation." To say such things about her child and her love as a mother.

@a_common_reader: The "bite" is probably going to come in the form of an FBI stand-off and cups of kool-aid. Lets just hope that CPS finds a way to remove any kids who've been dragged into this hate-filled "church" before the adult fuckers get what's coming to them.

@MrCottonsParrot: If (a low key version of) The Rapture came today, these people would crucify Jesus Christ before the poof fellow would have a chance to complete even a single sermon.

@Nun Shall Pass: On one hand, right on! Great life goal (though I hope the "church" has dissolved soon enough). And, to the late Elizabeth, congratulations on a truly inspiring life well lived.

Is Jolie's gown cashmere?! Good god, that is incredibly, beautifully lux.

I think I'm officially done with Glee.

Does anyone know if Jessica Hart is wearing a dress by Mondo?

@Jessysaurusrex (regina): I logged back into my Jezebel account just to say, "Hell, yes!" to you and Joanie.

@whereismyrobot: I've read repeatedly that J.Simp's dress was designed by none other than...The Orange Duchess himself, Michael Kors!

@Jellybish: Oh my god, the pink lipstick! I yelled at my TV, "That's it! Fucking fire L'Oreal now!"

@A2: I agree with everything you've written above.

Kors is an orange devil! I swear, his decision to give Gretchen the win had more to do with defending his own drab design aesthetic than anything else. WTF was that dig at Galliano about?!