
Don't necessarily need to convert console users. People can be both.

This isn't incompetence people, this is EXTREME P.C. BUILDING!! Fuck thermal paste, fuck putting the CPU on first, just stack that shit in mid air and slam it down baby!

Dafuq is this person doing?

I'm not sure there's much of a story there. Company brings sizzle trailer to E3 2012; it steals the show both because it's a new IP and it's clearly a next-gen game when next-gen consoles haven't been released yet; as time goes on we find out it's just another game about guns and cars, and of course it doesn't live up

And even then, better not to pre-order because as a LOT of people have pointed out (none better than TotalBiscuit), it's a despicable practice that is friggin' terrible for the consumer.

Really enjoyed reading this review, and really glad I haven't wasted my time/money on this. Good reminder never to pre-order unless you're 100% sure about a game!

It's a great marketing strategy and true.

Typo in the headline. Should read:

I think Ubisoft said the XB1 version is equivalent to the PC version on high, 792p and 30fps. Im guessing the ps4 version is the same, but 900p. Honestly, even on ultra settings this game is not visually impressive.

people still live in households with one computer?

Good to see Stacy re-purposing that graduation robe she got to only wear once.

The only true submission worth to be called the "Penis Pacifier" is the good, old triangle choke out of the mount.

To be completely fair, pure grappling reduces the chance of broken ocular sockets, or even major limb-bones.

looks like, i didn't see any gloves in those pictures, which might mean the CCP guys never had a chance

I can't stand any of these gameloft titles.

And the oversaturization of zombies in pop culture marches on...

I've been saying this for ages; people go on about how many FPS's there are out there but the only reason people think that is because some of the -biggest- games (Battlefield, CoD et.al) are shooters.
Go on Steam's coming soon list and there's barely any, if any of them.

Dude already got pranked hard by his barber...

I would be spawning sheep everywhere.

@SigersonLTD: Poor baby. I didn't see any Linux examples and we aren't crying.