Friendly Lurker

Yet the government steals from it’s citizens through taxation.

I suspect he’s too valuable as a villain and brand to just kill off at the end of season 5...

How long has the tweeter been a thing? Quite a while. And it seems to have managed fine by and large as it was before. Of course, in the past they had moderation and anti-harassment teams and so on, which elongated muskrat isn’t so fond of as we know.

The brave nazis and fascists telling everybody how everything really is couldn’t take it the way things were, the poor wee snowflakes...

That guys a troll, so you shouldn’t interact with him, but you aren’t far from the truth. Obesity and poverty correlate pretty well and a big reason for that is if you work two jobs to make ends meet, you don’t have a lot of time or energy to exercise or make healthy food choices. You also end up eating a lot of lower

...That we know of. There’s gotta be some stealthy ones flying under the radar too, so to speak.

He’s talking about the 3 picture deal. projects may die but there have been multiple instances where studios honored the contract and let said actor play the role under a different production (see Ryan Reynolds and Ezra Miller) 

Hush now troll, your betters are talking.

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

The problem people that are this stupid, is that they have no idea just how stupid they are. You see, if you are very, very stupid, how could you possibly realize you are very, very stupid?

Eat shit, Cunt. What does hunter fucking biden have to do WITH ANYTHING????

Hey Cunt, look into who Garth Ennis actually is, and what his views on fascism and related topics are.

Dismiss your idiot troll please.

Eat Shit trolls. Eat shit. 

Guessing “juan” the troll commenter here is the top contributor to this crowdfunding campaign. It’s the star wars character he picked to be on the playground.

God forbid people have opinions about comedy! It’s not like they were screaming about how they want to take free speech rights away from people, that would be you.

if you’re registered to vote, head to a polling place or send in your paper ballot this fall and vote dem. If you’re eligible and not registered, register. We can NOT let the GOP gain any more power. Whatever issues people have with the dems and Biden, and many are legit, they are nothing compared to the damage the

Oh no, the wannabe nihilists/anarcho capitalists like that dude (pretends to be) don’t even rise to “useful.”

You can dismiss responses to your comment by trolls, remember, unless they’ve taken that option away.

I’m pretty sure Juan is just the new profile for the reocgnition(I believe that is how they mispelled it).  Below they are bragging about having over a dozen accounts here which tracks because I think they keep getting banned for being hate filled tools.