Friendly Lurker

I think he’s more replacing “who” with “why.”

I notice that our “conservatives” that complain that someone else isn’t discussing things “in good faith” come right in and start with the homophobic and misogynist trolling.

DO NOT comment or ungrey “juan” or “Slider6294" they’re plain trolls who don’t care about actual anaylsis, 

Good riddance anti vax trash bag. Let’s just have Paul Rudd be solo in the next ant-man movie. 

Don’t be a cunt, tomatofacial.

He’s never going to love you the way you want him to.

At least you understand the positive correlation between man-child behavior and political ideals.

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

Boomers really not handling their twilight years well.

I can help: dude’s a fucking dipshit with no actual beliefs to speak of.

Mate, Hunter’s been to rehab, and my blood pressure isn’t even involved when just typing on a keyboard.

I know stupidity comes part and parcel with bigotry but gadzooks you’re dumb.

separating people out and generalizing their behavior and attitudes on the basis of the color of their skin is racism, by definition. Crack a book much? Don’t seem like ya do!

“why the hell are you focusing this conversation on black people?” is a question that truly answers itself.

I got a Lord and Miller notification for this??

lol When some states wanted to invoke a constitutional amendment written to protect the US from traitors within to exclude Dump from the ballots because he organized an armed insurrection against the US gov’t, Repuggers screamed their tiny little heads off. “They’re trying to take peoples’ choice away!”, they yelled.

Fuck off. 

Yeah. This happens every four years in multiple states. Traditionally, the party holding the White House goes second and their convention is ALWAYS after the legal deadline for several states. Those states have always pushed back their deadlines to accommodate the conventions, but things are different and more stupid

But when the leader of one party actively tells their own GOP to shut down a border security bill that was going to pass and would have been a win for the GOP, in order to “have an issue to campaign on”, every tiny thing is going to be a ridiculous issue.

Oh fuck off with your enlightened centrist bullshit.