Friendly Lurker

You have got to be shitting me with these comments.

Hey Dan, you still have a little dribble of Elon’s cum on your chin.

There are a lot of jobs requiring physicality (mail delivery, for example). Techies like to pretend that we can erase humans with machines, but they ignore that someone still has to build the machine. Where does that machine come from? ChatGPT can’t locate, dig, and purify cobalt or nickel. Techies just want a class

Did you just transport here from 1760? We still need people to write the code. And before that happens, we need people to build the machinery and mine the minerals. Do you really think that some web-based A.I. code is going to dig its hands into the ground in D.R. Congo? Who will build the warehouses where the

I’d appreciate troll shtick if modern trolls were funny *at all*.

Oh, that lil’ “nihilist” doesn’t actually care about knowing anything of substance. It’s all about blundering around, edgelording, hoping someone slightly more dipshitted will swallow a red pill.

I’d be talking about the articles if you were. Your bigotry ain’t even a matter of opinion; you leave an endless trail of proof that you need to fix your heart or at least shut the fuck up about how hateful you are.

::reads replies::

he fumed, from the greys.

It’s a f***ing cartoon. Get over yourselves.

harps on matters of grammar and then rails against “academia” when it’s suggested they learn even a little bit about grammar. nice.

Remind me when a straight person was killed by a queer for being straight that you think “respecting heterosexuality” is even remotely an issue in our society that needs to be addressed.

don’t feed the troll.

They’re a troll. Their account name is tomatofacial.

Just a heads up, this is an alt account of SwagMessiah/UniversalSalamander, so there’s no reason to pay it any mind. It’s their “legit” account, which means they try to keep their responses civil, to attract more engagement, but because they’re a stupid, shitty bigot, they can barely obscure their worst impulses.

yeah…I’m the obsessive.

Nobody’s banning anyone. Those with bigoted opinions, as ignorant as they are, are welcome to have  them, just as they’re welcome to not watch the show.  

the guy you’re replying to only cares about doctor who because he’s gay. And he doesn’t care in a nice way.

Maybe you knew this already, but Peasant TinyPecker is an odious and persistent amateurish trumpian troll that’s been at it for years, always reaching for the lowest common denominator and the ad hominem simultaneously, displaying its willingness to lie, as well as its rampant stupidity for all the internet to see.

You’re too stupid to have an opinion, abort yourself.