Man that looks fantastic, bring it to PC please.
Man that looks fantastic, bring it to PC please.
Wait they already said they wasn't doing this but.. okay I ain't complaining.
@Orionsaint: Again how do you have a star?
Man they have just.. won everything with this...
@TrainerRed: Well we're getting DOTA2 at the end of the year?
Free Halo Reach...? Wait what? So I can sign up with my dusty Xbox and get the only game I'd turn it on for, for free?... Sign me up.
The GBA was more PLINGGG than Ping
Metacritic is just numbers rather than thoughts.
I'll wait until it becomes a proper Nintendo console.. Seriously I'd still play my DS games more than the 3DS games.
@MattyMattMatt: It shouldn't need that but it does because the engine isn't really optimised for the PC that well, AC1 in many aspects looks better than 2 and Brotherhood due to its DX10 effects.
@-Silver-: Yeah they sorted it out in Brotherhood.
@Steve Melton: *sigh*....
Duke will probably self format all data when the game is ready to go gold, Because Duke refuses to be sold, forever.
lol Reminds me of the PS2 memory save files....
Meh on my old keyboard before I got a G110 with media keys and volume wheel I used my F6 7 and 8 keys for media and actually stuck little buttons on there for play forward and back and then set it as a universal hotkey in foobar, not external program required.
Hmm could you do the nightly build (64 bit) It's actually been very stable for the past few months and i'd love to see a test on it.
@i ♥ Tofu: IE used to ship with mac OS... just sayin.
Hmmm I'd get alot of strange looks if people saw this...
There are quite alot of good spider-man games.. seriously I don't get why they can't recreate the Spider-man PS1 - Ultimate Spider-Man PS2