This brings to mind a pet peeve of mine—the assholes that actually DO strap their iPhones or Droids to their arms. Yes, there are those that do this. I don't care what arguments come up—it's not efficient, it's not comfortable.
This brings to mind a pet peeve of mine—the assholes that actually DO strap their iPhones or Droids to their arms. Yes, there are those that do this. I don't care what arguments come up—it's not efficient, it's not comfortable.
@HeroOfTomorrow: You should consider amending the handle to "HeroOfTomorrow,CronyOfToday"—it's got that neutral-yet-eager tone to it!
@ester: As with the latest Adamo, the big win is the move ahead in design. Yes, it's not "there" yet, but it's going.
These pictures remind me that winter is why I love New England. If I wasn't such a season-junkie I'd have moved south long ago.
Maybe we'll be catching a connecting flight on one of those when I end up in Ireland/Japan/Malaysia/China next month.
@witeowl: Exactly—but I didn't want to give them too much credit. It would be fairly easy to do an assessment between what was needed for the network(s) and what was implemented during his tenure, but that assumes a fair amount about an educational system's grasp of IT; pure comparison of "before" and "after" could…
@Super Moose: a percentage of the depreciation of the units used for school puposes, as well as the entire cost of any systems bought for the purpose of supporting his SETI contributions. Yeah, it'd take a lot, but we don't know what he bought or how many systems he oversaw.
@nick's after the gnarly necter.. 800.: Pretty sure that's including the purchases.
@dambo29: Rosa kicks butt!: Get in their face in a civil-yet-irrefutable fashion... most people don't know how to respond but act a bit more like a considerate human being instead of an asshole.
@attenbetrate: Hmm... I wonder what the payscale is at MS... #billgateshousetour
It's tragic, and likely that the brother didn't intend there to be an impact after the heat of the moment—having had similar arguments with my younger brother over the same thing 12ish years ago, I know he definitely got whupped a few times as a result.
@psychonaut2021: Secrets of the Pineal Gland: No, no, no. The proper and more disturbing response is, "Aren't they both filled with delicious candy?". #iphonesaleschartsgraphs
@bobmighty: In that it will regularly involve someone kicking you in the balls? Yes. Yes it will.
@psychonaut2021: Secrets of the Pineal Gland: Carrying the babies or the phone? #iphonesaleschartsgraphs
@KSPRAYDAD: Despite my appreciation of all things gadget including the iPhone (and a zillion other smartphones), hearted. #iphonesaleschartsgraphs
Having actually watched it now, I can't really deny any atom in my body its geektron value—sitting through this evoked a moment of physical pain in longing for a return to the theoretical physics major I abandoned years ago. Funny how keeping one's footing underneath can result in utter loss of your bearings and…
I <3 Feynman. In an entirely nonsexual, intellectual manner. More specifically, I <3 his method of learning, exploring and teaching—I highly, highly recommend the primer "Surely You Must Be Joking, Dr. Feynman" to ANYONE, not just sci or physics buffs (and perhaps less so to those, depending on whether or not…
@Shamoononon: I shave my legs.: HP has an abundance of people making far too much. It's kind of a miracle that it's been able to retain its cash flow, considering they have a pay structure similar to Cisco's in the late 90's or MS's in the mid-90's.
..."What ALSO floats on water?"
So... no one else has yet asked the real question—how long is it going to be before Apple yanks it and claims redundancy of features? Despite the fact that they're not SMS in the truest sense, if this was to catch on it'd be bad news for AT&T (and any other carrier whose TOS/TOA with Apple include exclusive SMS rates)…