
You know, there’s no downside to this story! Either he has to stay here, which is annoying for us, but will also irritate him, and make him feel stressed and accelerate his upcoming stroke. Or, he’ll go to Great Britain, and encounter thousands upon thousands of people flipping him the bird and holding up rude and

If we hurt his feelings enough, will he cancel his US visit?

You don’t need a possessive apostrophe to pluralize Nazi; just an “s” will do it.

Democracy Dies in Darkness

If they actually convict him, this will be an outrageous miscarriage of justice. Hopefully he’d appeal it and get the sentence thrown out.

Speaking of, our Comrades in Russia are now providing military training to foreign Neo-Nazis. I wonder if Russia will be put on the list of state-sponsors of terrorism? Hmmm?

This is a terrifying blow to democracy and should be the top story in every major news outlet, but it will be virtually ignored by most and celebrated by many.

The Russification of America continues apace...

Imagine if U.S. had a parlimentary system where a new election could be called any time someone decided to push some unpopular or heinous agenda.

Nancy Pelosi is right! He can barely keep his eyes open!

It’s ironic the way that these rich white guys get into office and never retire, because they stay relatively healthy because of THEIR FREE GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE, ain’t it?

That’s a combination of a straw man and red herring fallacy. The reason why those changes took place can be attributed the extreme efforts of the GOP to secure the most local wins as possible prior to the 2010 census there by making it possible to to Gerrymander their way into power for the next 10 years. There have

Now playing

Hillary Clinton: 65,853,516 votes
Donald Trump: 62, 984, 825 votes

“Equally” represented by the electoral college.

The facts that the Democrats (and especially Hillary) are terrible at getting elected, and Team Trump dirty dancing with Ivan are not mutually exclusive.

Yup, checks out.

Yeah I don’t really have a problem with someone shooting someone they see attempting to murder two babies. There are a ton of times I call “Bullshit” on the self-defense argument pushed by many people. Not here.

I thought the force was excessive but I tried to put myself in the neighbors position.

C’est vrai. Just ask Canada, that degenerate hotbed of terrorism.

I’m still holding out hope for one of these. You got a Job? I can do it, don’t much care what it is.

I have zero faith in Democrats’ ability to gain seats in 2018, much less take back a part of Congress.