
Ayn Rand wrote Rand Paul’s visio of Utopia. His vision of Dystopia would be, oh, maybe the Beatitudes?

It’s pretty obvious she is making light of the irony around going to a prison and feeling free. That’s the joke. I mean, come on. This website is like the liberal Breitbart. Do you even know what you’re mad about anymore or are you just frantically searching the internet for something someone said so you can get upset

I will have my popcorn handy. The folks who are currently applauding the death of the e-vehicle tax credit because ‘the market can’t make the business case for hybrids’ will be there stating that the oil industry needs to be propped up with my tax dollars to ‘preserve quality jobs’ and ‘maintain national security.’

Yep, and unfortunately I suspect they might very well be linked. Most of the Freedom Caucus doesn’t want to repeal and replace; they just want to repeal.

In certain applications yes.  Most professional licensing is used to as a way for those in the profession to limit competition and drive up compensation. Not so much in engineering. There’s a little of it in the civil engineering arena but outside of that and some consulting (not all) state licensing is pretty

I don’t know the specifics of the law, but my best guess is that the intent is to prevent people from, like, building shit without being licensed, so things don’t collapse and kill people. This guy isn’t selling his services, he saw a problem and did all the legwork and suggested a fix. Likely, this pissed off some

Buy American, hire American, amirite??!?!

Their argument, as I understand it, is two-pronged:

Yeah the GOP actions vs words in regards to the teachings of Jesus have for generations shared little in common. But for many words matter more then actions as long as they feel they themselves are not negatively impacted. You know the “as long as I get mine” that apparently the 11th Commandment.

Do you want the honest answer? Cause you aren’t going to like it...

Literally nothing they do is something jesus would do. I’ve never understood how they’re such bible beaters, but everything they do is the exact opposite of what it teaches...

Man, making it harder/more expensive for people to get healthcare sure doesn’t seem like something Jesus would do.

“Hey, America—we took this thing you all hated and then we made it WORSE! Love us.”

Man, people knew that her daddy made his overpriced suits in Mexico, and the first versions of his MAGA hats in China and not a peep from his followers, so this same shit with Ivanka isnt going to amount to anything. Trump voters dont care and they arent swayed by reason or facts because their support for the admin,

Point of clarification, Obama (and every other president) enacted NOTHING. They are executives, charged with enforcement and only have the power of the veto.

Combine that with state rules that will come into play, like Wisconsin’s ‘if you want child support, you need to find a job and at least work part-time’.

It’s extra funny because it will hit many of the very people who voted for him to save their jobs, etc. The ones making $20,000-50,000 with kids.

Don’t forget about all the money you’ll save by not being able to afford insurance!

Well, I’m glad that Exxon is taken care of. They were struggling so.