
I am a religious person. But I am struck by the hypocrisy of this on at least three counts:

The Art of the Deal:

His supporters can’t really even be in it for themselves (maybe emotionally). Many of the things he wants to do will probably disporportionately harm his base.


And the Russia scandal & investigations just quietly fade away...

And of course this little gem from Steve King, the Iowa stain on Congress (and it takes a lot to make Congress look bad):

Which is why we have to criminalize people taking videos of law enforcement. Duh.

“if they went both ways.”

But by strange coincidence, 1957 puts us at The Civil Rights Act of 1957.

Thank you.

So why, out of a sea of evil self-serving fawning hypocritical cowards who have done nothing but lick the emperor’s boots, do you turn your wrath on this guy who actually stood up for and suffered for such principals, and has at least occasionally challenged the regime? Why is he accountable & required stand up to his

Some numbers corresponding to the lovely graphic:

Only if they can put three of them in a row.

I understand why the focus is on the 7 years since ACA, but I’m still frustrated that everybody is overlooking the fact that Congress -- Republicans & Democrats -- have had at least 30 years since the problems with healthcare costs & access came into the national spotlight (back when HMOs had actual death panels), &