Flubba Gunto


Given the obvious budget, coverage and staff cuts the site's undergone in recent years I doubt that the higher-ups care.

Not "already closed". They haven't opened them yet.


You do know they can bump links, right?

Huh, finally a reason to sort of care about satellite radio!

Ditto Craig Ferguson. I miss his show.

That's not even true RIGHT NOW. From Box Office Mojo as of this post:

even if, as in Wanda's case, they're not using her

Jungle Book, Pete's Dragon and Maleficent were all pretty solid. You're PROBABLY right because I expect Disney to ape the original Lion King very closely like they did with Beauty and the Beast, but I'm still giving them the benefit of the doubt for now.

Also, since I can't reply to the comment because it's pending moderation…

I actually like the way that they handled her in Marvel Future Fight - of her five attacks, each one uses a different element. Trap someone in rocks with one, bring up a giant waterspout with another…

Whatever it is, it's still there with her recent short haircut in the comics.

Even if Inhumans ends up being legitimately good, which I really don't expect, it's screwed at this point based on the initial reaction it's received online.

Wouldn't Peter Parker?

Who, exactly, would you consider "mightier" than Marvel/Disney right now? By almost any metric you can think of they're on top by a wide margin.

consider that this is the studio that canned Edgar Wright but still forged ahead with Ant-Man

I'm just spitballing so I don't feel left out.

a throw away sketch on SNL

Which is stupid, because Anna Faris is still smart, funny and freaking gorgeous.