Flubba Gunto

Saying we shouldn't expect better from them because they've been horrible in the past is a horrible attitude.


I had no idea until recently that game was never released. I do remember seeing it in magazines back in the day…

That's just wrong. He did the Genesis Aladdin and Cool Spot games, both of which still hold up IMO, and was also responsible for MDK (which rocked) and Messiah, which got mixed reviews but had a fascinating possession mechanic years before games like Geist attempted something similar.

Here's a tweet with a screenshot of the misgendering (and if you scroll down the chain a bit you'll see him double down on it):

That's fair, and if you find anything by all means come back and reply. I tried to do some research on my own because I really didn't want to say something I'd regret, but based on what I could find online the allegations seem dubious to me, at best.

That too. There wasn't anything in Earthworm Jim that could be remotely considered political or social commentary.

His wife accused him of beating her, as part of a divorce filing that made Bill out to be Satan incarnate and also accused him of being a sex and drug addict, among other things. She withdrew the allegations when they settled, (as best I can tell) never pursued them before or since the divorce, and I don't think she

Thanks! I got curious because I know Vischer is still doing voice work for the Netflix version of the series - I didn't know there was bad blood there.

Do you have a link about that? Did a quick Google and I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

Well, the obvious link would be his recent attempt to ban transgender Americans from serving in the military if you insisted on shoehorning that in.

Scott Adams was literally convinced Hillary Clinton was planning to have him, personally, killed. He's insane.

Eh, I'd consider them a little different. A book is almost exclusively the author's work but even in the 16 bit era it was difficult to make a game by yourself. TenNapel might have created the character but he wasn't the only one responsible for the game.

or made her mace a bride

Yeah, that's true. :) Truth be told I've got a lot of reservations about this specific remake anyway, and while I've got some mild doubts Ejiofor isn't very high on that list…

Even that won't entirely fix it. I was really dismayed last year to learn that a work friend about my age (around 30 give or take) was not just backing Trump, but buying fully into his bullshit despite the fact that the guy has a masters and KNOWS how to determine what's real and what's fake.

Chrissy Tiegen is another. I had no idea she was so awesome until I started seeing the stuff she tweets.

It's partially that, and partially a way for liberals to vent, commiserate, or just laugh at how absurd the awfulness is.

Check the profile - blatant troll. He/she isn't posting on Breitbart but based on their comments everywhere else I'm amazed they aren't.

That's not quite how I'd phrase it. At least in Doctor Strange, he wasn't…aggressive enough, maybe? The cool, calcuating personality definitely works for Scar, but there's also an intermittent ferocity and a temper that, at least based on that movie, I didn't really see in his performance.