
Your water is just pre mineralized. As a matter of fact you should pay more for the lead, dioxins, and whatever else factories dump into water basins. Now with a bonus, you can have fire water. Not that fun stuff you drink on Saturday night, but literally water that will light on fire.

I think that’s called drive your ground. Just wait until you stand your ground and drive your ground. You can do a drive by! And You can do a drive by!

I am in complete agreement with you. I feel as if we are going to repeat the worst parts of our history. The Chinese Exclusion Act, the follow up of not allowing them to testify in court, the Philadelphia Nativist Riots. In that one they threw pigs blood on people, sound familiar?

Which is 100% of Herr Drumphf’s solid base. This morning I was told alternate facts was a compliment because they could see that the pictures were doctored, and he would never lie to them.

They have been trying, before this election they kept running out of yard signs, last I heard, they went through 2k! I was really happy to hear that. Gawd forbid, Schuette runs for governor, though. That brown noser is so deep in the pockets of the Koches, Devos, etc, he wouldn’t know what sunlight looks like if he

We had several hundred in Midland. While this seems small, this town is so republican it is Drumphf central here. At least our voices are heard.

They are completely and totally incapable of any original thought. They are trained by fox news to simply repeat things. At this point in time I don’t think they even know they are doing it. They are incapable of self awareness.

You don’t give stuff to the slutty mcsults, you punish them. It is getting to the point they only care about the moment of conception. Married, white, upper class, ultra Christian, fine, screwing a married Republican and get knocked up, fine, daughter of any above, who made a “mistake” that would embarrass the family,

Yes, they will, but a lot of this they can actually do simultaneously. The majority of governors are republicans, and will be in lockstep with what Devos wants to do. When the governor says we are going to go to a voucher system, you must comply because we are shifting funds to them, the locals can’t do much about it.

They want to bring back the Ugly laws, by starting with children.

Bullshit. The majority of that 20 million is Medicaid. Those people have seen doctors, so now will have a preexisting condition, and will now either have high premiums, or none at all.

Worse, he is a teacher, and that attitude is spread to his students.

So a private school teacher, who obviously hates special needs students, is advocating for segregation of them. Fuck that! After Devos gets done funneling all the money into the pockets of her cronies, there would be no money left, anyway. So the the next logical step is, well they don’t need an education anyway.

Just pick all the worst of human history from each century, put them into a Readers Digest version, and viola, Drumphf’s presidency.

Probably with some torture, too.

Nah, she’s only a two, three tops

I want one. They are on my bucket list to get one. I’ll trade you a very smart, but increasingly neurotic, as she gets older Belgian Malinois. She is a retired police dog, knows German commands, and can scale a ten foot wall. Just kidding. But, I would love to have one.

Yes, but you have to admit. Ivanka is get a little long in the tooth for him. He like ‘em young.

Or daughter(s)

I was just gonna sat Drumphf is the bane of my existence.