He just did.
He just did.
Trump nominates him to chair the women and girls council in three, two, one....
The only thing they left out was the signs for pro-pot. ( that was what Sessions objected to, not for being in the KKK).
Plus, Drumphf would throw him under the bus faster than you can say bigly, if it looks like he might actually get into trouble.
Nope, unlike his cult, we have the ability to use our memories and not be distracted by the latest shiny thing dangled in front of us. My cat has a longer attention span than his cult does.
Her and her damn Amway shit should have been flushed down the toilet where they belong.
Here is something that says how long Obama’s appointees had to wait.
I can really empathize with you. It is so hard to have someone close do this. It feels like they have stabbed you in the back. I used to say, Republicans only care when it effects their close friends and family. But, after this election, I have to change this to only effecting themselves. They don’t seem to care what…
Tell her she can’t come live with you in her old age, when social security and Medicare are gone. Her voting for him was her decision, and that is the adult consequences of her choice.
Yes, at the time I got into a argument with one of his cult about it. I was told he didn’t mimic the correct disability, so therefore he wasn’t mocking him. And her sister is severely disabled. It goes back to Herr drumphf saying he could shoot someone and they would still support him. There is literally nothing this…
When I was younger we lived out in the country. A snapper that was over two foot wide ended up in front of our basement door. My mother opened the door, walked right on top of it. They were both so surprised, it didn’t do anything to her. Those turtles are meaner than anything. I am sorry about your aunt, she was…
Make America Grift Again
3. Will they benefit corporations or the 1% of the 1%? 4. Will they benefit Russia/Putin?
Snapping turtles are quite mean.
The person you are talking to is a troll. They have no answers, just criticism of anything the left does that doesn’t embrace those that voted for Herr drumphf.
According to the leaked emails, or whichevr tinfoil hat sit they were reading, the Democrats did nothing but pay millions of trolls to do nothing but post all day.
I bought him a tool box, it stores the needle perfectly.
He is still in a lot of pain. The surgeon had warned me could tear the muscles, so I took him back last summer. The doctor wouldn’t go back in, there is way to much scar tissue. He said he could do more damage than help.
It was on his dresser and the cat knocked it off. It landed sticking up sideways in a rubber tire dog toy. He walked in his room without the light on and didn’t see it. He has had a stroke when he was a baby, and now once he starts a step, he can’t stop. It was a series of unfortunate events.
My son had a knitting needle accident on April fools day three years ago. It went in through the ball of his foot and all the way through until it hit his ankle and then bent the needle. It was a double pointed size five with at least half of it in his foot. Four days in the hospital, major surgery to remove it, two…