Maybe the kkk group who did the dance in Oh Brother Where Art Thou? is available? They would be perfect.
Maybe the kkk group who did the dance in Oh Brother Where Art Thou? is available? They would be perfect.
Does he have access to their dressing room? Are there going to be “security” cameras installed in them?
You are making way to big of a assumption that he is actually going to do the work of being president. The only thing he is going to do is tweet, go on worship me tours, and give a few orders of what he wants done to his staff. He doesn’t have a clue what the president’s job actually is. Oh, and push the red button…
Starting with your name? The irony is pretty strong with this one.
Herr Drumphf does twitter, so every other leader just like him does it too?
To me he would actually be worse. He gave up his so called morals to join with Drumphf. He has seen how to manipulate his cult. The only reason he seems sane is because he is standing next to someone who is beyond bat shit crazy. The Republicans love him because he wants what they want, plus is stupid enough to be…
Silly, you forgot, it is in 2 Corinthians. The new king shall come, wrapped in a golden combover and grabbing his virgin daughter wife by the pussy.
It’s not like they haven’t been told ad nauseam,about no gods before me, golden idols, etc., etc. It would appear they cherry picked what they wanted to believe.
But the evangelicals would gladly stand beside Herr drumphf if it means war in the Middle East, so they will have a second coming of Jesus. At this rate they are going to be raptured all right, either by plagues, famine or nukes. And by rapture, I mean go past heaven, and directly straight to their coffin.
It has been like this for years here, this town hasn’t voted for a Democrat in a hundred years. They were big here in the eighties, then went back a little. They made a big comeback after 9/11. For a small town in the middle of Michigan, that constantly has people coming and going due to the chemical company here, we…
They are all over Michigan. I would doubt any one of these damned fools has even been to a southern state, they just love the racism.
One down, 46,err, 48, well however many there are to go.
Yes, he has the same basic principles, but Putin can run rings around him. He is going to get exactly what he wants out of Drumphf.
Herr Drumphf is too stupid to realize it is friends with benefits on Putin’s part. He gets trillions of dollars from oil deals, break up NATO, invade and take over whatever country he wants, and completely screw America over. Herr Drumphf gets his ego stroked and his buddies become trillionaires. He is just too damn…
Where is princeling daughter wife Ivanka in all this? She is supposed to be all over women’s rights here.
His cult loves this. I had said to some yesterday, that Gingrich said he wasn’t using drain the swamp anymore. Drumphf had said in a speech, he thought it was hokey. They got really mad at me. Later in the day, Newt got taken to the woodshed, and said no he didn’t say that. It was more likely Limbaugh got his parties…
They vacillate between the 1580s and the 1980s.
A soul
Is this some sort of meme or on Stormfront or something?You are about the sixth person in the last two days that I have heard a similar story from. ‘We’re gonna make mooslims build the wall. Ha ha’, That is just too many to be a coincidence. Someone that does the cult’s talking points must be saying it, so they…
That is assuming she had one in the first place.