Pearl Sheltie

I also loved Gloria gently stopping Winnie from giving away too much. Police girlfriends!

That's the difference between me and Jonathan. If someone burned my dog alive in a furnace I would NEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER get over it.

The cut to Sy after Varga's stories was great.

I love the scene where she meets Audrey, who marks out at the possibility of being in the FBI:
"They have women agents?"
"More or less."

My moneys on Audrey.


What? When?

Holy shiiiiit Rosa looked good as hell in that Jackie O getup.

"That's what I'm going to do. In Argentina. Surrounded by scorpions. Or not. I'll find out when I get there."

He's a shithead, but he's a teenager, so y'know par for the course.

Back to the US
Back to the US
Back to the USSA!

*wakes up in backseat in Moscow*
"This isn't Mount Vernon!"

He deserves it.

"That's it. He's dead."
-Deadpan Jerry Lawler

But he loves it, Maggle!

I remember an episode of Botchamania where they showed someone right behind the table holding up a sign that said "Michael Cole is socially awkward." It was kinda mean but also hilarious.

I love the fact that his unscripted reaction to the Hell in the Cell is exactly like his kayfabe commentary

God I could go for a Milky Way Dark right now.

"You should move to a small town, somewhere the rule of law still exists. You will not survive here."

Someone got arrested for DUI in blackface.