
This is needlessly melodramatic. The story is better if the parents got divorced, if only because Andy doesn’t need to have found his father’s toys at the moment of death. I mean, seriously.

I must have been an odd kid, as my favorite was Georgia and other stuffy faces. I currently try to use Palantino Linotype with all ligatures turned on everything, as it’s the only oldstyle in which ligatures are evident (not sure why I can’t get any out of Constantia, another favorite).

TNR is required font for many things. I am a technical writer and TNR is required, if not used then documents are rejected/thrown out.

I like serifs, and I will always use them. I have set my default to Garamond, and I can live with that decision. I once had an employee drag me so hard for using Times New Roman I almost fired him. It’s a perfectly fine choice. I’m an educator and a writer, not a graphic designer.

Over on wypipo twitter, the snarky “progressives” are blaming DNC/ Tom Perez and hoping the Dem party implodes. When called out on being in a white echo-chamber, they immediately go on the “Hillbot” “shill” and “token” offense.When called out on not actually doing anything, they block you.

You never know. There’s always a chance it was Gilead Ben Carson.

Here’s the thing thou, recent feminist driven actions (marches, etc.) have barely been able to address these issues simultaneously without shitting the bed, and you’re giving a fictional show flack for it?

Yup. But the thing is, if the show followed the book, there simply wouldn’t have been any POC in the show, because the “Children of Ham” were all “resettled”.

And frankly, the book has the most believable outcome, because these people are complete monsters. They most likely would have simply “resettled” POC into a

Yes, but, does it dilute the focus of the show? So, for example, let’s say the women of the color are treated 10x worse. What does that end up doing to the perception of the Non-women of color? Are they lucky ones? Do we care less about them being treated poorly? Maybe the perception becomes that they are actually the

Until the final episodes, it looked like Gilead society relegated people of color to non-leadership roles. You saw men as Guardians and women as Handmaid, Marthas, or Jezebels, but never as Wives or Commanders. It seemed like the implicit racism of a society beset by fertility issues, that for basically utilitarian

This raises some interesting questions regarding the appropriateness of race-blind casting, a subject much discussed at io9 (see, e.g., Iron Fist). You could take the position that casting actresses of color in this show is a positive development because it opens up meaty roles for those who might not get considered

...yeah. But the current fuckstick is fucking everything up because he has no idea what he’s doing. Ain’t exactly a decent argument...

Presented without comment:

I hope she’s President someday too, but let’s be honest - the double tides of racism and sexism she will have to fight against to be elected nationally (as opposed to California) will be suffocating.

...I honestly don’t want her to try in 2020.

Lots of comments lately implying that “Trump’s going to get off, nothing’s happening, no one’s doing anything…”

In absolute terms I agree. But there are times when the BSG ending annoys me more, because as much as I hated the Final Five, many of the problems could have been fixed right up until the finale: i.e., change a few scenes, add or edit a few key lines of dialogue. Lost had dug itself into a pretty deep hole by the

I really hope that producers pay attention to the after life (dvd sales, streaming revenue) of three shows: Lost, BSG and Breaking Bad and learn just how important it is to stick the landing.

Well, the ones who were “with her” obviously didn’t.

On the plus side, at least nobody has successfully leaked the greatest mystery of the series: Will the last two books ever exist?