
No, she’s playing a woman who never transitioned, but was a bull-dyke. No hormones, no surgery. The use of masculine pronouns at the time wasn’t necessarily an indicator of being trans but of being a masculine lesbian. 

Johannsen has broad shoulders and a low voice. It’s not impossible casting.

Yep. I’m also a mother, not Asian, but I totally got it. I actually thought it was a brilliant movie—loved the little nuances, the mother’s visor, the son’s hipster beard. I knew all about this family and why they were fighting.

“I love you so much I could eat you up.”

You know, if you actually had read the article, you might realize that you and Singal aren’t really at odds here.

I wouldn’t put a kid on birth control either. Come on, now, you’re fudging like crazy here.

No, they’re not. Unless you think compromised fertility is 100 percent safe.
The use of leuprorelin as a treatment for gender dysphoria in preadolescents is off-label.

So, no, not 100 percent safe. Some families and physicians will consider it worth the risks, but let’s not pretend that there are none. 

He followed the recommendation of the parole officer—as is standard procedure.

By the way, even Dauber has said she thought that Turner should have gotten about two years. Not sure why she thinks the 18 months is so important.

Michelle Dauber is way out of bounds. Persky followed the sentencing recommendation he was given by the (female) parole officer. Dauber is simply paving the way for judges to not follow protocol and impose long sentences. This, by the way, was the same sort of thing that gave California its draconian three-strikes

Yep—it’s as arrogant as all get out. My basic rule in life—call people what they want to be called.

No, the poster’s showing respect for the language and the people who speak it. “Latinx” is disrespectful—telling other people how they should refer to themselves because of what *you* think is appropriate, regardless of how a gendered language functions.

Octavia Butler’s Kindred—yep, it’s SF/time travel, but that makes it one of the best books I know on getting across why-didn’t-they-just-leave. Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad also touches on that.

Sure it would—you just don’t hang out in pilot forums. No one’s saying that she didn’t perform admirably—just a question of how admirably.

And, yes, I’m a woman. There’s enough sexism and misogyny around that you don’t need to invent it.

That’s my take. He’s a working-class bloke—and he’s straightforward. Yes, he’s not being very politic in what he says, but I think if he were truly impossible to work with, he wouldn’t keep working—and he does consistently work.

Yep, it sounds like they made Meg superbright—someone who’d been an excellent student until her father disappeared. Meg is bright, but she’s lopsided. She doesn’t solve things because she knows physics. The brightest people in the book—Mr. Murry, Charles Wallace—both end up entrapped at various points.

Meg’s not meant

No, there’s a dark, subdued tone to the book.. Camazotz is bleak. The first line of the book is literally about it being a dark and stormy night. The Mrs. Ws are all crones.

The film just seems to be a kind of misfire—I don’t get the sense that the film-makers understood why the book works. It’s been turned into

One of my very favorite books as a kid—but I think it’s one of those books you have to read as a kid—preferably one who identifies with misfit Meg—then it hooks you in.

As an adult, I feel protective of it—and it was pretty clear that the film was not being made by someone who really cared about the book. It’s

Ummm, yeah, actually it kind of is. You really are looking for ways to blame the victim and it’s repulsive.

Because there’s no evidence that they were.

Here’s another idea for you—mentally ill woman had a history of making poor choices. Stress from the results of those poor choices made her act out and murder two children.

Occam’s razor. Stop looking for a way to blame the parents.

When you can’t afford it, yes.

You know, that’s just an asinine comment. Yes, we should see two people’s whose children were slaughtered in a sympathetic light. Trying to create a scenario (for which there’s no evidence) that they were abusive employers is just warped.

Her nose job looks like it was limited—tip definition, the rest left alone, since her nose wasn’t big in the first place. It means it’s actually more natural looking—i.e. wider and less-defined.

Not sure why she bothered frankly other than that Hollywood makes people a bit bonkers.