
yay, I hope it works for you. Was recommended to me by a friend who heard from a friend... You can also adjust the level of yellow-ness, at first it looks weird but you stop noticing after a few days. P.S. Forgot to mention it's free

and no distractions! if you work during the day, you need coffee breaks and lunch breaks and socialising breaks and thinking about dinner breaks... no thank you, just me and my computer when i need to get stuff done.

yes please, post links to studies!

Yay for late night cleaning! Same here! Bit embarrassing when I didn't realise that my new vacuum cleaner had two settings (carpet and non carpet) and it made a LOT of noise when I used it on the wrong setting... At 10.30pm...

I'm only capable of working properly at night (and have the luxury of doing that because I'm a grad student, but there will always be the early bird other grad students who assume that because of that I don't take work as seriously as they do...) Can I just say to anyone who likes working at night, install a program

Wow, really? I have quite a lot of anxiety/depression in the family and the pill hasn't affected me mentally at all... I've also only tried the one type (the standard cheapest generic one you get for free on the UK national health service). I guess it's just really hard to generalise. But I agree with other posters

that's exactly the quote i was thinking about, but couldn't remember where it was from :)

Shovelling snow after saying bye to his wife and child in the kitchen. He is so perfect. Oh, and he must have such an adventurous streak! He wears a North Face jacket! Swooon have my ladyvote

German kiwi girl - if your screen name says anything about where you're from, we might be from similar backgrounds. I for one grew up in a very homogenously white place and have only slowly questioned a lot of white-privilege type assumptions which I used to hold, and they weren't magically solved by moving to a more

Thanks for all the answers on here, really interesting - I live in an area where there aren't many East Asian people, mostly South Asian so I had an idea that these stereotypes existed but hadn't really seen them affect people I know. I did call the girl out on it, but in a 'uhm, I'm pretty sure that was a really

I once met a (white) girl at a party who talked about her problems finding a boyfriend in the Silicon Valley area... Her general drift was that 'nothing can compete with the Asian skinny' and 'the Silicon Valley dudes just go for the Asian girls because they're really submissive'. I was pretty disturbed both by her

It actually got a lot of positive reviews from critics, and sold about 1500 hardback copies initially which is pretty good for a book by an unknown author! Sure, her agent probably pushed this book harder than they would have if the author actually had been an unknown, which may have helped. But overall I think this

That was my initial reaction - but reading the comments here has made me aware that Texas has many gerrymandered districts, and Democrats do in fact have the popular vote, plus there's problems with voter ID laws (ie more to do with the poverty than the political will of those who aren't currently voting...)

Yes, this exactly.

Oh, Boris. I hate his sexist comments, I hate the party he represents I hate that half of British politicians went to the same schools and went to university together... but he still makes me laugh. (Not on this occasion, obvs)

Ooh, I haven't read any of those but thanks for the recommendations!

Ha, same here - I read ALL the books up until I went to college. Then, novels in summers. Now, nothing. No time or patience for novels. And every short story I've ever read I found a bit unsatisfying. Poetry is the only thing which I can get into these days - you can read something meaningful in a short time!

I don't know about French pharmacies (thanks for all the suggestions), but the best dry shampoo I've tried (and I've tried quite a few in UK & US) is by Lee Stafford. Best thing EVER, can't leave the country without stocking up on it.

- insisting on using the word 'females' (plus, it turned out, generally being on the caveman side of gender role understanding)