
Just get a refurb Wii U from the Nintendo store. Has just about every major first party nintendo title for almost every console they released.

that's why you keep a decent CRT around for the pre HD systems

Licensing issues, most likely

Is this about the lost Adam's Diggings?

No, he said huge milk steak

Illusions Netflix, tricks are what a whore does for money

How many briefcases were used?

Hence, the word tasteless

Right, blame the guy coming in here with sincere condolences & not the near non-existent mental health services that probably could have prevented this.

Was it the bathtub slime? Or nanny Janosz?

Helps skirt those pesky child labor laws

Uhhhhhh, ok

Off topic, but, Geriatric Dr. Evil went through with the lawsuit against Last Week Tonight.

No, I don't know, but I'm guessing Geoffrey Jones is somehow to blame for it

There's a tasteless Vigo possession joke in here somewhere that I'll let someone else make, so

Umm, Matt Hardy did the delete thing, and it's pretty cool that Goldust is basically back to the character he was when he first debuted.

with two cats in the yard?

Just like Bill Cosby