Should've asked him when the damn game is actually gonna be released
Should've asked him when the damn game is actually gonna be released
He won't have to, as Kingdom Hearts III is being billed as the "Final Chapter" of this particular iteration of the franchise. Squeenix claims there will still be more Kingdom Hearts though.
Charo's way too talented for this drek
Battle of the Network "stars"
They cast him as Mac, when he's really Frank Reynolds Junior.
"You know when I was a kid I used to watch you with my father, the Grey Ghost was my hero."
"And he still is."
Probably their most underrated show since Kroll Show.
So, anyone watching Idiotsitter season 2 tomorrow?
Not that anyone cares apparently, but tomorrow and next Saturday, Comedy Central will be doing a 2 part marathon of season 2 of Idiotsitter, probably their most underrated show since Kroll Show. So check it out.
You idiot! You stupid bitch!
Ahh, something besides E3 to look forward to next week
throw your arms up? Sounds quite painful
So, John McCain is totally suffering from Dementia, right?
Looks like Val Kilmer got into a fifty car pileup on the highway to the danger zone
You mean Giorgio Moroder?
Is this the potato farm?
Yes, I'm Albert Potato.
Spoonfuls of sugar are for closers
Oh, it's a jolly holiday with Yondu
Micheal Bay Presents:
A spoonful of Nitroglycerin helps medicine go down