
Honestly though, without Tony Scott at the helm and like 0.0001% chance of having Giorgio Moroder, Harold Faltermeyer, Kenny Loggins, or Steve Stevens doing any of the score/soundtrack, I'm not sure how much interest I can muster for this one.

He did say retro-jiggle-fest. What did you think he was referring to? Baywatch?

This was reported like 5 days ago, and you're just posting it now?

I thought Bill Mahar had that sewn up

Why not, they're already halfway to V for Vendetta anyway

Was he a Moop?

I thought the orb was just the thing that determined who the true Sovereign of the Guild of Calamitous Intent is?

This would certainly explain Rick Scott being governor

well, shitsnacks

Yes, and that's why there's a comment section specifically for all the tragic events that occured or were publicized today.

Shouldn't you have Bing'd it instead?

Baking Powder?

This is Life with Lisa Ling is great, too. Assuming it hasn't been cancelled, that is.

So apparently in addition to everything else, a Hellmouth just opened up in front of Mar-a-Lago:

Is this a sex thing?

Mmmm, no

No, 42 is the answer to everything.

Just ditch Colin Jost and you might have something there

What is a "Seeso"?