
Beat ya to it

They're gonna do whatever it takes to get that dastardly Carmen Sandiego

You know they're gonna stall just long enough for the serum that Krieger has to administer to wear off, and then his body is just gonna reject the cybernetics.

I loved this bit

And a good day to you too Mr. president

Cheeto Mussolini first

Still better than Harrison Ford

So that's what you've decided to call it, eh?

So, you start the watch when Salem comes on screen, then stop it when he's off.
Then you write the time down and indicate whether it was that crappy puppet or an actual cat.

Beat you to it by 3 minutes

Yep, Not sexist, opposite:

Chocolate fudge with candy corn please!

Somewhat off topic, but, Isn't it funny that there was a time that Nintendo was ok with having this in a game

Not a Jim Carrey fan, I see

Formerly Sneeds

I'll take the soup