
Nope, just patients

You asked for miracles, America, I give you the F….B….I

It's payback for James Corden and Piers Morgan

So he's a nazi?

They're just smart enough to know who brought 'em to the dance.

He actually started his career doing anime VO work. Including voicing the main character in the anime Top Gun masterpiece Macross Plus

Tried to find their mountain hideaway?

I'm not sure 2 seasons would count as DOA

Ahem, I believe you mean IT'S A GODDAMN HAMBULANCE!!


Moe Sizlak

Linda went full Peggy Hill this episode.

Absolutely nothing, and the completely unwarranted hate it gets around here continues to baffle me. Fantastic guest appearance from Jeffrey Tambor, penny angel, funky bass line, Louise''s manicure, Gene's crush on a manatee puppet, everything with Duvall. Top three episode, easily.


And circle gets the square. Still need to finish watching that, if possible.

Probably why the ratings are in the toilet

Guess I'm glad they refrained from offing Gail but I still don't really appreciate being jerked around for 2 months.


No, because noone in that was tolerable.

So, Adam Silver Simpsonized kinda looks like something you'd run into in Castle Lemongrab.