
If you wish you are him than you really have to re-evaluate your life.. because being a shallow once boy-band member and making crap music for the millennials who have no taste or self-worth is probably one of the worst role models. I won't go into being jealous of someone being with another woman. Your life must

you realize.. like someone already pointed out,, hastags work on various platforms. not just twitter. You're showing how little you know

Patently false. I, for one, think JT is a cancer on the shitstain of humanity. Not only would I not want to be him, I'm going to be the first to applaud when the son of a bitch dies. Hopefully he dies a slow, painful death so I can cherish his every waking moment of agony.

Which is dumber, pouring a crap ton of money into a sinking ship (myspace), or making shitty and basic jokes on a half rate late night talk show. Or grasping on relevance, since he hasn't been in almost a decade.

NO! Not vaginas!

Now playing

"I don't think anybody feels bad for the Steunbenville rapists."

Wanting a sexy pose is no excuse for drawing a woman without a spine. In fact it's incredibly detracting once you realize what's actually going on, as my roommates just pointed out. All male.

Oh forgive me. I didn't know you (as a women) had a greater insight than gay men on the thoughts and impulses of... gay men. Riiiight.

Wait, what? How is femininity submissive by nature? Because we're physiologically different? Difference does not equal hierarchy. Thanks for reinforcing the dogma of patriarchal civilizations that disdains the contributions of women in favor of those of men. Yes, to define a man as a bitch is to attempt to womanize

So you think men have the anatomical features they do to dominate the physically weaker sex? God, I pity your skewed view of a woman's role in our modern society.

"Yep. This might be the starkest example of slut-shaming we've seen in a long time. We're gonna need a clean-up crew for this one."

So you're condoning the type of socially accepted misogyny (woman hate) that has infested Middle-eastern countries? The guys who didn't want women to vote in the 1920s would have loved you. Femininity is submissive by nature/definition (the Yin to Yang, the minus to plus, The black to white, The negative to

No, women are not submissive by nature, only by male oppression. I am certainly not submissive so I guess I blew a hole in that theory. I don't understand why people always use something about ying-yang as a reason. Duality really does not dictate nature as there are often times more than two choices available.

I have always found it interesting that most folks here respond to issues of "political correctness" by saying: "It doesn't bother me and I am a member of that (insert gender, ethnicity, sexuality, creed, religion...) Great! Resilience is always commendable. But I don't think that is the point...at least not directly.

It's a universal epithet slung at women by anyone offended or annoyed by them. I wear it with pride when it's slung at me (by both men and women).

Well, gee. You're (supposedly) a woman, so you MUST be right!

The point.....is that......the game.....is obsessed.....with the word.....bitch.

Being a slut by kissing a thug in the mouth? Really?

Yeah! We use this word with feminine connotations to insult people of BOTH sexes, so there's nothing wrong with it!

So, since women are "different" it's okay to treat them differently and often in a sexist manner?