Floating Hatchet

I missed you, man.

Used to know Simon Pegg's publicist and Pegg will not hear a bad word against Tom Cruise - says he's one of the nicest, generous, most hard working people around. Whatever batshit craziness he has I think he's managed to keep for the large part firmly locked in the closet marked "for Scientology use only".

Clarkson will get another high-paying auto-show on another channel. Probably ITV (Sky have said that they're not going to offer him anything, but Murdock likes him and they're liars with tons of cash).

Not sure the show could handle that kind of reduction in ego, but make it happen nonetheless.

I don't know which petition was more embarrassing, the one to reinstate that tool Clarkson or the one to stop Kanye West headlining Glastonbury.

Six hour mini series with self-contained story sounds good to me. Looking forward to it

You can't just lob that grenade into this thread!

She still looks great. Was last seen in the most recent, sucky series of Jonathan Creek.

I watched an episode, and like @usernametoolong:disqus said, it's nothing special.

Larry David is too busy being eviscerated on Broadway to be writing a new season.

"20- something white guys." yeah that was odd… that's not what I picture when I think of the Shawshank fanbase.

It's not been good. I thought the idea about the show was a discussion - pick a film that you have opposing views of and put forward an argument as to why it should or should not be "canon". I can get behind that to a certain degree.
Blow Out ep was, pick a film they both love then invite someone on who loves it to a

is anyone still going with The Canon? The episode on Blow Out made me want to punch all involved in the face and the follow up on Blade Runner incinerate their bodies.

That guy has quite the resumé.

That is fuckdiculous

Apparently he turned down the Stephen Baldwin role in The Usual Suspects. Would've been a good shot in the arm

That seems like it was a bit of an overly ambitious plan…
It probably suffered quite a bit coming out so soon after The Raid, what with its unintentionally similar, tower-based plot. Had it come out after, say, Tower Heist, it would've made the big bucks

Really didn't get how this film garnered such a cult following. Just thought it wasn't very good and was barely about the Dredd i remembered from 2000AD; but that's only the opinion of this idiot.

He looks like a weird, 'roided-up John Waters

Close enough. But that's why god invented credit card debt, amirite?