I drank a lot.
I also watched Europa Report, which was awful.
Jack Ryan: Shadow Boxer, which was less awful
The Bay, which was the least awful of the three.
I drank a lot.
I also watched Europa Report, which was awful.
Jack Ryan: Shadow Boxer, which was less awful
The Bay, which was the least awful of the three.
Just watched this. Not good. At the very least it should've been a little bit scary. But it was not. It was nothing. D-
Without her satin tights, how can she fight for our rights?
I'd watch that.
Aren't they just? Perfect whites all round. Sexy clothing. Athletic, toned bodies…
Taye Diggs. He's still got it.
Hey @avclub-f2ba5f3288efc6e5e90ff8878ade17e4:disqus I've got a film for ya! A Fridge too Far!
I thought this would be a dramatisation of the Bobby Riggs - Billie Jean King match with Kit Harrington as BJK. Disappointed.
I'm with you on that. If it's on the telly, it's got my full attention. A fun film with such an odd cast, looking back on it now.
Good lord… that's a great reference to pull out of your ass. Respect.
Ah, I'm actually in the UK, so Netflix's streaming catalogue is much, much, muuuuuuuuuuuch worse than in the US. Still, I'm willing to take it, Lovefilm (dvd delivery), Amazon Instant & iTunes over the nothing that I would have otherwise.
Wait… Yes!
Ooo… if Netflix or Amazon Prime had The X Files, I would would doing one hell of a marathon viewing.
Prince's Batman soundtrack was, I think the first album I bought with my own money.
Chiropractic is the scientology of [alternative] medicine, though they will take more money from you.
You noticed that Redford as director - especially early on - always cast people who were kind of like young versions of himself? Brad Pitt in A River Runs through It, Ralph Fiennes in Quiz Show, Matt Damon in The Legend of the Magical Negro… etc
i was on twitter, now not so much. give me a reason to believe people!
woah, woah, woah… let's not take pot shots at scones… they are.. eh, whatever. I never eat them. If I'm going to carbo-load it's going to be with bread, pasta or rice