Floating Hatchet

Are you unsure on the state of your dirtiness right now? Because I can tell you that you are filthy


I found Synecdoche, New york profoundly crushing… think it's great, but don't particularly want to watch it again.

That's a Three Amigos remake

This article started off with me furious then amused…. bizarrely the opposite of my sex life but with less crying

I bet Click & Clack really gave a presenting for the ages though…

True that… on Friday I went to the premier of a film my company had given some music to use for free.
It was at The Empire Leicester Square here in London, main screen during a small horror fest. It was teeeeeeeeeerrible. Really bad. Acting, script, story all awful. Someone had the idea that this guy

Didn't catch this… what did Daft Punk do there? Was their appearance as game-changing as I was lead to believe, seeing as they were stopped from appearing on the Colbert Report?

They reminded me of the Thistle Whistles from The Family Ness.

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus Er… wow… I don't know what happened there with the movie.nked business. I'll leave it in for posterity…

Yes… definitely would be a good Nightwing. (I am liking the idea that he just pranked Batman… put itching powder in the suit, replaced the throwing stars with biscuits… that kind of thing.)

He can't be Batman… he's got a bum chin.

That sir/madam, was below the belt… but basically yes, that's what we're hoping for

Mark Brendanawicz will be back AND HE WILL BE BETTER THAN EVER!!!! *sob*

Woah! No-one made it alive out of that burn…

Badly is the answer… I've how a small label dealt with royalty payments in the late nineties, and it was not pretty, so it must've been a lot worse in the 80s. $600 is pretty sweet though

True, brah… also Event Horizon was the bomb

From what I remember, that seems pretty much identical to the original video. Is that the original video?

Umm… might I remind you of a certain heroic duo called Vicki & Neil?

even as someone from England who enjoys a good arse as much as the next man (leave it alone, you children), I find it weird to see it written as "kicked arse"…