Oh hell yes he would've.
Oh hell yes he would've.
I usually like Louis CK, but I don't really get a kick out of him calling teachers losers, even if he does sympathize. I've seen him attack other careers as bad life choices (like the house musicians on Conan - what a bad life they must have!!), and to me it's like, dude, you're a fucking standup comic that had to cry…
Sounds like life where I live
That's the prank part!
It's not far off from other crazy stuff he's done.
He's got the mouth-goop though; a C-137 trademark nobody else seems to notice. It's him. How's a guy supposed to write a show these days with everyone jumping on every little thing?
True, but it also takes them like… two days to animate an episode. As opposed to Rick and Morty's months.
It's on TV too
The Mike Tyson one is real, has been around for years, and features his actual voice.
Get a room
Same emphasis I'd personally choose. You always want to blast the "FUCKA" loudest.
That's an expensive gag you're proposing
Geez, talk about reading too much into things.
It's on again now.
I seriously wasn't kidding. This really happened. Out of nowhere. Just remember to come back here and apologize to me when it's all over the news.
There is a new Rick and Morty on right now and nobody is talking about it.
Up yours, A.V. Club! I'm going to do what I want this weekend! Down with the man! I'm a rebel, yo! Straight up, down, turnaround! Diggity! I know what "A.V. Club" stands for: "Arian Virgins Club"! Bam. Boom. Zoom. Zap. Bada bing. Hey!
I'm sick of hearing Superman Returns got mixed reviews. It skewed pretty positive, and rightfully so.