
I guess we’re past the days where people got angry about legitimate things, like their local McDonald’s running out of ice cream at midnight or who took the cookies from the cookie jar... Who me? Couldn’t be. Then who?

If I were a betting man, I’d say he accepted the free update months ago but clicked “I’ll do it later”. Now that it has become later, Windows upgrades. For a streamer / gamer, there is legitimately no reason not to upgrade to Windows 10 right before you go to sleep or when you wake up in the morning so that this exact

Until you can make it so that every username can be traced to a real person you will never remove the element of anonymous racist and or discriminating comments. People who are incapable of understanding, or caring for that matter, the meaning and power behind such harsh language will always hide behind the mask of

WHAT? Apple looked the other way when one of their major competitors in the tech space had their intellectual property stolen and misrepresented? Why would Apple, the kindest, gentlest, cutest international behemoth of all not want to stop the misrepresentation of Microsoft’s biggest IP? Surely this was a clerical

I could recognize that spider tank anywhere. Look up Jamie Mantzel. He created the original toys while living in the middle of the forest in Vermont with are solar powered 3D printer. Dude is a badass. He now lives on his own personal island off the coast of Panama.