
And none of that security can prevent a fairly realistic danger... in fact, one that’s happened before.

This makes me nostalgic. A burgundy version of the car in the ad was the very first car I ever drove. It was my mom’s, and I moved it around in the driveway when I was about 14 and the parents weren’t home. Wasn’t a bad car for its time, although ours would either idle so high that it could accelerate to 15mph without

I love that ROI on fuel is the only argument people think is an acceptable reason to buy an electric car. Nobody says, “hey, what’s the payoff of having 450hp when you could get a Civic with 120hp for 1/4 the price?”

The irony of the Xterra is that it has the high rear door handle carried over from older Pathfinders... where it had been placed there as part of a blacked-out C pillar to minimize the visual impact of the rear doors.

I love tech, hate paying for gas, and already have an impractical car for fun. This might be my next DD.

Haven’t Russian dashcam videos taught you anything?

I have a ‘74 that still sports the bumper tits, as they’re known. First time I backed into a space in a parking garage, those things saved my chrome... Learned two things that day: Rear trunk is longer than you think, and don’t lose the tits.

Or, if you think it’s a CP,

the desirable five-speed stick

The Hellcat also invalidates every whimper from the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers about meeting higher CAFE standards.

I take issue only with the word “pirouette”.

Sometime after the 360, I started to get the feeling that the design sketch for every new Ferrari came from a jack-o-lantern.

First time in recorded history that an aircraft was shot down by a SAM that cost more to manufacture than the target did?

I was very lucky when searching for a 914 that this Saturn Yellow ‘74 turned up locally... Not only does it scream ‘70’s, it also signals that I don’t take myself that seriously (e.g. GuardsRedBro!)

Considering one of these for my next car. Need to haul wife & 2 kids, have 30mi r/t commute, plus occasional days of nearly 100mi total driving, and no ability to charge at work. One concern is in 3 years, kids will be entering teenage years and will they still fit in the back? If I wait a year or two to replace my

Sad... except for those of us who bought one 6 years ago.

Thanks. Seems like direct sun over the visor (despite the glass tint up there) might be a problem, no?

How do those side-mounted windshield visors work?

The ATC operator was the model of calm and collected. Somebody give her a raise!