Someone with iOS can correct me if I'm wrong, but the last I heard, business card scanning is still part of Evernote Premium on iOS just like it is on Android.
Someone with iOS can correct me if I'm wrong, but the last I heard, business card scanning is still part of Evernote Premium on iOS just like it is on Android.
Do any of the vanilla media pricks who whinge about Bernie and his machinations ever stop to imagine how dull their column inches would be if Formula One was run by some ethical non-profit-making organization that reinvested the majority of revenues in the sport and the remainder in Eastern European orphanages? Nope.…
Damn it. I never even got around to Frontiers. Now I'm two games behind!
As we've seen with its patch notes, Crusader Kings II is a game that, taken out of context, sounds completely insane.…
"It (Volvo) is like a tiger in the mountains," he (Li Shufu, CEO of Geely) says. "It shouldn't be in a cage in a zoo."
OOH OOH, I know this one. Call on me!
I love Rampage.
Racism???? Name me just ONE other example of a black guy in Washington DC whose every move is vociferously criticized by mouth-breathing asshats who get all their information from sketchy radio shows.
I always envision the Jets, Browns, and Redskins being like the three monsters in Rampage just going around trying to smash the careers of promising young QB's to bits before anyone can stop them.
This one might be a little hard to follow for people who haven't played Hearthstone, but it sure is ridiculous:…
We've all failed to keep up our exercise routines at some point. Weeks without training, consecutive days of…
Uber Driver here - A couple things:
It's just not fair, how you white people suffer.
They blockquoted the balls quote. Why did they blockquote the balls quote?