
When’s class start?

I don’t know!!!! But I know that I was raised believing that people who say “I don’t care” fall into 4. categories. 1. Those that haven’t thought about what it is they don’t care about enough. 2. People who don’t know what else to say when pressed. 3. Those that really do care a lot but are defensive. 4. Kids who


It’s been known to happen...

Ok I’ve read it. The guy in the article shared knew the bikers were behind him and in a defenseless position. He had a history of incidents. He deserved 5 years. A Doctor too. Very Sad. As far as this incident goes it doesn’t change my thinking - but I am always willing to change my opinion as information is added to

Didn’t want to miss a reply to anyone but no sure what you’ll want to hear so I’ll keep my response brief. No I’m not. Shit happens kinda shit. I will tell you I feel really bad for the person on the back of that bike and I hope that no one is seriously injured.

Doesn’t look like a Red Infiniti to me...Right link?

I think he would have hit the F-150 that went by from the oppositise direction moments before... if he reacted the same. I’m not being sarcastic. I don’t think he was mirror driving the bikes that arrived out of no where behind the SUV behind him. How often are you looking for the vehicles behind the vehicle behind

Houston one to beam up...

Kobe with the....REJECTED!!!!

You are the ultimate driver. Glad we could clear this up by analyzing his responses alone.

Hey you get it! Good for you

That would be an interesting case to follow...

I believe you were birthed by a women that deserved better...

I starred your comment because at least you are here with your own name.

Nope. Got a point to make?

Prove you can respect an opinion keyboard warrior. PS Welcome to the internet. Please be constructive while here.

Shock does funny things to innocent people too. And this trouble you think he’s in...he isn’t.

I recommended your post as it is possible and if it was deliberate wow. I can’t imagine anyone even being aware of them how fast they were going, how briefly the bikers would have stayed behind them, and being separated by an SUV. Also the guy filming is behind the first guy. He wasn’t driving slow. How fast was the

I get that people don’t want to believe him based on his attitude but I don’t believe that anyone would swerve into bikers like that without something happening. There was a large SUV between them and i doubt he was even aware of them at all. That’s what I choose to believe.