
They stole the You Died sound from Dark Souls.

Trying to avoid spoiling it for other people but does anyone know if that thing that happened for me at the end of episode 1 always happens no matter what or is there a way for that thing to not happen? Does BLANK have to die?

I think they already made that game. It was Captain America: Super Soldier, for last gen. Based on the first movie.

So they turned it off before the part where it's revealed that these were just actors acting out a scene?

Two days ago a woman leaned on to the pole on my hand with her FACE. She was also carrying two large bags. She then proceeded to put her whole weight on the pole and slowly bring the bags down to the floor sliding her face WITH my hand down lower and lower. I extricated my hand and watched her place both bags on the

Maybe he sorts through it back at the dump, in bulk.

Well there goes my weekend. Hopefully they'll give us extra time to play to make up for it!

Squall had the sword gun. Cloud just had a big sword.

Uh except I bought the fucking game for the heists. The heists were the main selling point for me.


Yeah, his head flew out into the air. It was especially funny because he came back literally 10 seconds later. And then again 10 seconds later.

I had a guy get his head chopped off TWICE and he came back TWICE.

It worked for The Last of Us.


Where's my Bad Juju buff? I WAS PEOMISED BAD JUJU!

You get better rewards for higher levels.

The problem with Youtube is that it's biggest strength, it's draw, is also it's biggest problem: Anyone can become a "celebrity" but that literally means anyone. Even pedophiles. And there's no way of knowing.

The previewer sucks and simplifies all your armor and colors.

It's all about chests dude. Hunt for chests. Go into caves and buildings. You often get 2+ materials for those and they're easier to spot. Plus you might get items. They always spawn in the same kind of areas so if you find an area with a lot of nooks and crannies you can just run a loop. I found like 10 chests in 20

Never flip out on the person who's flaking on you. Never make a facebook post about it. Never tweet about it. Nothing good can ever come of it. It just makes you look bad and needy. If someone keeps flaking on you just move on. They don't owe you anything. By confronting them on it, by blowing up, by saying some