
That reminds me of this time I was doing Crossfit in law school... 

If one is a billionaire, wouldn’t one get a top floor suite in Vegas and order an escort to his (or her) room through a legal, reputable and secure source? A service that is known to the highest elites. This is so strange. It’s no wonder Kraft and Trump are similar. They don’t know how to do anything properly and they



Two Star Bob

“Nobody believed in us.”

This team really is committed to illegally getting stuff released from their balls.

In before “clearly an Orca” rage comments.

Who has opposable thumbs and enjoys milking nipples all day?

I don’t need some internet stranger judging my breakfast choices.

Since the Manfred presser, the (correct) hot take has been “owners are evil for not spending enough money to try and win,” and you’re opening with “let’s turn MLB into the NBA, and have all the great players go to the biggest teams?

Counterpoint: Making sure legislation can pass that 60 vote threshold makes it more likely that the legislation will survive over the long term and not simply get overturned the moment the other party can leverage their way back into a majority. Just because broad consensus doesn’t move the wheels of progress as fast

Or you could live in Canada

Now that you’re back, will future funbags still include the Drew Story of the Week? Just paragraphs of you saying nice shit about yourself? Could be fun.

Note the first line of Kaine’s response, “No, I never have”. He gave a direct answer, yet you’re still throwing him under the bus for part of his explanation.

Meh, Japanese people wear t-shirts with strange English.”

LifeSite is...not reliable. It is a Religious Right propaganda site. Holcomb’s account hits every square on the Religious Right Life-Is-A-Left-Wing-Conspiracy Bingo card, but she’s subtle about it, and if you didn’t grow up speaking the language, you might miss it. I have no doubt that she had a relationship with

I’ve never choked out a cougar OR fended off a knife attack with my bare hands. But I did bang my big toe against a table leg and didn’t cry....for too long.
