
"Lie to Me" was a staggering episode. Much better than "Storyteller."

My sister used to sit like this all the time. She probably just sat down and didn't think about it.

He's not just avenging the dog. They violated his home, beat him down, killed his dog, and stole his car. I'd want blood, too.

How did the director not know about what was happening?

Springsteen's "Jungleland." It was a stunning experience back in 1976 on FM radio, especially when preceded by "Meeting Across the River."

I was a nine-year-old boy in North Carolina when this show aired. I enjoyed it and so did my parents. And we're white and Southern. Julia reminded me of my teacher who was also "colored" as we said at the time and very kind like Julia. I would love to see this show again.

Beer enthusiasts need to realize, there are beers you drink to quench thirst and beers you drink to savor a lot of nuanced flavors. Mass produced beers exist for thirst. Nothing is better when you come in from a long day of outdoor work in the summer than a mass-produced American beer. I used to take a couple cans

Interesting. I always held mine Tug McGraw style and snapped my wrist opposite of a curve on the delivery.

Other than the fact her father taught her how to throw a circle change-up and called it a screwball, it's not terrible. Would have made a better movie or limited series.

One of the best shows ever about Hollywood. Jay Mohr was perfect in the role.

"D.O.A." the weirdest hit song of all time.

Destroyers are not named after dogs. They are named after great American sailors. Hopefully, the screenwriter won't make a lot of other mistakes.

Springsteen didn't do anything in NC but hurt his fans who disagree with HB2.

The venue pays the fees.

ASCAP. Look it up. You can play anybody's music live at an event if you pay ASCAP fees.

The big concern is that "Prelude to Axanar" may be the most interesting Star Trek movie ever made.

A lovely woman that I once had the opportunity to meet. Beautiful inside and out.

The sad thing is "Prelude to Axanar" is the most captivating ST movie ever made.

Black 9/11 was 9/11. Black people died at both the Pentagon and the WTC. I love Prince, but an attack that killed 3,000 people and threatened the lives of 100,000 should not be trivialized.

Perd is one of the best things about this show.