I'm Catholic, so feel free to use my line if you want: "When did you get the job of bouncer to Heaven?"
I'm Catholic, so feel free to use my line if you want: "When did you get the job of bouncer to Heaven?"
Smile! Because baby/honey/gurrrl, you're too pretty to look sad, and you should focus on whether or not your face is pleasing to men.
But don't smile too much, or we'll have to kill you.
Now, before we get into the pros and cons of the Charger, a little background on police cars. For years – decades, maybe; I wasn't alive – police cars were black and white, and they featured one revolving red light on the roof. These cars were slow, and unsafe, and low-tech, though they did have the advantage of…
I'm also angry for the many girls and women for whom the risk isn't out on a late night walk, but right in their very homes. Something about the place that should be the safest actually holding the most danger is just so cruel, and so very damaging.