I can see Nicki in her dressing room in Angola muttering to herself:
I can see Nicki in her dressing room in Angola muttering to herself:
I went to Comic-Con, and waited in line to take a picture with her, and she had this pup with her then too! She was just so kind and sweet, she held my hand! and when she thought the photo didn’t turn out well, she asked the picture people to take a second one, and she was right, the first photo I had my eyes closed.…
There very well be mental illness at play here. But mental illness doesn’t equal violence. Plus, as Obama noted a few years ago, the US doesn’t have a monopoly on mental illness. We sadly aren’t even the only country with widespread white male privilege and national political figures who spew out hateful rhetoric that…
This country fucking scares me.
“No. Do you make crackers Brian?”
Of course he is a white evangelical male. Of course he is.
A 10 year old in my class was bleeding profusely today because he tried to sharpen his finger in his pencil sharpener to “see what would happen”. A 10 year old. With no cognitive problems. So I have zero problems believing that a kid would jam 45 of these stupid things in their hair.
Kids are stupid and it’s unbelievable how many of us make it to adulthood.
Is it wrong that I spent at least half hour yesterday looking at all the Amazon reviews from angry moms with their kid’s bad hair pictures? It’s so funny and entertaining. Like, for fucks sake, it says on the box that they stick to hair. Maybe don’t let your kids play with it alone if they're prone to putting stuff in…
Imagine a cop did this to your kid. In fact, imagine anyone did this to your kid.
“Teens across Twitter are very upset at Demi Lovato for stealing Zendaya’s thunder. I’m not quite certain how teen outrage works, but this is over a Barbie doll.”
UM, “could you be a peach” sounds SUPER condescending, and the choice to use it on DAY TWO of a new job with your BOSS is just ... that’s incredibly bad judgment.
White people who do awful acoustic covers of rap songs will not be treated kindly by history.
Sure! If you don’t like pooping.
Makes me long for the old days when we hashed this sort of thing out through messages attached to carrier pigeons.
“Stay out of my fucking mentions...” is right up there with “@ me so I know you mean me” in the bitchassedness Olympics. Calvin’s going for bronze. Meek Mill still has gold.
“[Bernie] might be the easiest [target] because he’s somebody who’s dealing with the people more directly than a Jeb Bush or a Hillary Clinton.”
I neither know nor care, but I worship your screen-name!