
Well, someone had to be responsible for their nightmarish son, the artist formerly known as Chet Haze.

"You make me feel like Alan Ladd on Easter Island"

It's interesting, as somebody has mentioned below there are a couple of songs with decent lyrical content. But on the other hand there are lyrics that were clearly written towards the very end of production - otherwise how else could he have included a reference to the Steve Harvey flub in "Facts"?

Woah woah woah… "30 Hours" is one of my favourite bits on the entire album. That Arthur Russell sample is unstoppable. Also, no one should ever waste a Madlib beat so "No More Parties in LA" stays no matter what. And "Waves" is the euphoric centrepiece of the album, without which the album would likely fall apart.

You should totally check out Men of a Certain Age - it's great!

If Jack Huston found his way in there, I wouldn't be too upset either.

I find it even funnier that Stiller forgot the line to a movie he wrote and directed. It's totally understandable, but I still find it funny.

Au contraire, mon frere.

Huh. I'd be inclined to disagree as A Serious Man is probably my first or second favourite Coen Bros. movie and it only came out in 2009. Their two films since (Inside Llewyn Davis and True Grit) are also terrific.

Why? I love that movie, but I'm always interested to hear opposing arguments.

Orange is the New Blue? Haha he kind of sounded like those old guys misremembering the names of modern, technological products..

I think Josh's impatience with Maura in that scene had more to do with his concern that Colton's uber-conservative might not take well to the trans Grandma hanging around their kid. Unless he already told them about that.

I find Josh's final scene with Buzz to be interesting and quite mature for Transparent. You might presume that this show, driven as it is by LGBTQ-acceptance themes and anti-patriarchal sentiments, would bristle at the idea that someone "needs" a father figure in their life. But in the very least Soloway & Co. kept an

Yeah… but it seems kinda pointless using the song after The Sopranos.

Is it weird that Josh is the one I feel most sympathetic? Sometimes I get the impression that he's the one I'm meant to be irritated with the most simply because he's the de facto white cisgender straight male in this show. But he's story is just so tragic - even with all the money and women - and I think Josh Duplass

Not to make light of anything, but did anyone else think Brendan looked increasingly like Paul Dano's heavyset brother? But, yeah, still… it was really sad.

Has Gone Girl taught us nothing? We cannot take a few "smirks" or an insufficient amount of discernible grieving as damning evidence! At least not in — what — 15 minutes of screen time in an admittedly biased television series.

Did anyone watch Rockstar: INXS and Rockstar: Supernova? I remember enjoying that series a lot more than American Idol. Granted, I was like 13 years old and oblivious to the deception of reality TV. But it was fun all the same.

Ah, okay. Thanks! Do you think you could give me a link to this interview?