Yeah, sometimes people just get tattoo's because they like them Not because they think it could come in handy as a story device that both provides exposition and fleshes out a character.
Yeah, sometimes people just get tattoo's because they like them Not because they think it could come in handy as a story device that both provides exposition and fleshes out a character.
I wrote that above. I don't think I've laughed as hard at something so silly all year round.
I really did enjoy Bruce Campbell's understated turn as Reagan in this episode. But after watching the Wet Hot American Summer series, I can't help but think that Showalter gave the definitive performance as the Gipper this year. That sort of campy performance would have been hilarious in this show.
I have never lost someone that close to me before, but it doesn't seem to0 far-fetched that a person (in the pits of despair over a terminally-ill partner) might start drawing links between their own private tragedies and the disastrous state of the world around them. People start thinking in those metaphysical terms…
Now there's a career that hasn't quite delivered on its initial promise. I know she's still very young and finding her footing in Hollywood, but Olsen's breakout performance in Martha Marcy May Marlene was perhaps one of the most remarkable debuts I'd ever seen in film. I remember thinking at the time: a year from now…
He also does reveal personal, ingrained biases when he compares the jews to the rat. He concedes that there is no reason to his hatred of them, but that's still the way he feels all the same. So I wouldn't say the character is simply a stone-cold pragmatist through and through.
I had been wondering the exact same thing after finding out the title of the series. I knew, from reading Modern Romance, that Aziz was a Beach House fan.
Let me answer that one for you: You're the Worst.
It deeply frightens me that you have 'patients' to speak of.
If anything, this episode confirmed my most founded of suspicions: Noah is a terrible, terrible writer. (Based on those passages, at least). It sounded bad enough when he pitched it as the "death of the American pastoral". But "she was the reason they invented the word 'sex'"?
Yes, I remember when 'online dating' was a punchline in sitcoms. It wasn't even that long ago, I recall a third season episode of How I Met Your Mother in which everyone shudders when Ted reveals he met a girl on the internet. Now… it's pretty much the go-to avenue for romance in my generation.
I know for a fact that Jack Black is a huge fan of Nathan For You. He said as much while appearing on the Nerdist podcast recently. So it follows that he would actually go to the trouble of specifically purchasing this coat.
I got 99 movies but PR2 ain't one?
Wasn't he burned to death as well? It looked as if that gravel(?) was steaming when it was unloaded onto him.
Not to get too 'real' or anything, but many Holocaust victims not only dug their own graves but consented to stepping into the pits - not as many as you think tried to run. I guess … some part of you still thinks they might spare your life if you comply? The reality of that gun currently aimed at you is more…
Right, but why aren't they looking underneath the fault that supposedly drained the lake after the earthquake? That would be a likely explanation for their disappearance, considering both things happened on the same night.
Jesus Christ, Noah. He's done some pretty shitty things but nothing beat the moment when he considered trying to use this incident to win full custody of the children. To do that to her on top of everything else just seems spiteful…
That really sucks. It wasn't exactly earth-shattering television, but I like to have a couple of low-key, not-too-funny-not-too-sad slice of life shows to watch. Ambition is overrated.
Yeah, that had definitely crossed my mind. But now I'm just curious if it would be weird for a former convict (on a violent crime) to work as a volunteer fireman.
I'm not gay and I still think he's a treat to watch on screen. Dude is cut and also wears Doc Martens/skinny jeans - the coolest combo