Fleetwood Mac Sex Pants

I believe this to be by design. The hood is meant to deform in a collision.

The bees caught him.

It’s a dumb one, but I’ve always been a fan of this one.
The Bet: that you can drink out of a Champagne bottle without opening the bottle.
The trick: Flip it upside down and pour something into the punt (dimple on the bottom of a bottle) and drink from it.

Because I’m a dick. Welcome to Deadspin for the first time.

Lucky for the NHL, I wasn’t going to watch it anyway. Along with most of the rest of America.

Lol change the exemple for fucking maple syrup if it bothers you that much

That’s nice, very nice, but please, PLEASE let us hear it while driving. These sound so much better actually driving (even calmly!) than just sitting still revving.

Am I the only person who doesn’t like stationary rev videos? Motion or nothing.

Unless it’s that Carrera GT which soared to the moon in Chicago that night, sitting in the enclosed valet parking drop off area, causing everyone nearby to jump, look around, and giggle.

juju got his all i want is to get mine period i am the best receiver on this team comma ever comma period period ain’t nobody did any nothing anything to get me back period no backspace period dammit siri i dont use punctuation period stop it period i mean it and when i say period i mean period.

Seahawks fan here.

Michael Buffer is slaughtering these names 😂

It’s a live sporting event. There is no such thing as spoilers for a live sporting event. If you choose not to watch it live then it’s up to you to avoid people discussing it. The world does not revolve around you and your schedule.

I don’t know why but now all I can think of is the Bobby Knight Ranger band from Parks and Rec.

TBS doesn’t have that fucking strike zone overlay, so they’re alright in my book.

Guy popping up in the white T-shirt is begging for a “That’s my fetish” meme.

Seems logical. If the bundle isn’t appreciably more than the Miata itself, you could think of it as a car that comes with extra goodies.

Figure 8?

Of course this might not have happened if Rodgers had a “health guru” who would make him“smoothies” have him follow a strict “alkaline” regimen like Tom Brady.