FJ's Motorized Hot Tub


You ever heard the theory that if you travel far enough across the universe, you end up back in the place where you started?

There's a nice cemetery in the city where my mom likes to eat lunch. I can't eat in a cemetery. What if I accidentally eat a ghost?

I had just finished reading the part of the Time Life book on astronomy at my grandparents' house that detailed how the sun would expand and destroy the earth, but no worries, not until long after me and everyone I knew and loved was long gone.

I'm going to save this for tonight.


Something really needs to be done about the whole employee / contractor designation that we have. Companies exploit the fuck out of it.

Taking my car to a Toyota service center tonight and paying a $100 diagnostic fee so they can probably tell me I need to spend $1,000+ to replace my engine's computer processor.

I have a sticky note on my phone to watch 7 Days in Hell because it looks damn funny.

Should get porch garden going. Would like to get porch garden going. Always seems to be something more important to work on than porch garden, though.

Great job, Internet!


People are not shaped that way.

The South Koreans are coming for Kim.

Shame on you for hoping a character has a trait that you can identify with. I thought people around here were cooler than that.

They're my OT3.

I played around a bit with that. Leaving Alistair behind almost made me cry. I didn't really care much about Stroud or Hawke, though Varric's reaction to losing Hawke was a bit rough. Never did a run with Loghain though.

That sounds awesome. Did you take pics?

Maybe they feel it's their way of commiserating with all the shit fucking?

Does this have to do with Poe Dameron?