FJ's Motorized Hot Tub

Thank you for this gift of upvote.

My Grandpa loved that song. He'd play it all the time for me and it embarrassed my Grandma horribly.

LOL like there are bookstores to shoplift from anymore.

Wouldn't you then be also tasering yourself…because skin contact or something?

I think the movie did the best it could to make Fanny and Edmund a couple you want to see together, but I remember liking Alessandro Nivola's Crawford quite a bit more than Edmund.


Dawg, I just went for a brisk walk over my lunch break. A WALK!

About halfway through a replay of Inquisition in preparation for Trespasser. I'm ridiculous excited for it.

I always loved the version of Mansfield Park with Johnny Lee Miller, though I know a lot of people don't care for it.

Anyone have any recommendations for heavily caffeinated teas? Homemade or otherwise?

Nigella Lawson's lemon linguine. I changed it a bit to have a larger sauce to pasta ratio and like using asiago instead of parmesan. Also with some steamed broccoli on top.

So, I woke up this morning, and I felt good. Like, really good. I think this is what normal people (people who don't suffer from clinical depression / anxiety) feel like most days.
I would desperately love to know what happened overnight or this morning in my brain to make me feel like this, because I would love to

That dumbass makes twice as much as I do. That pisses me off just as much.

Just started listening to Cloud Nothings. They're pretty cool.

Drinking montage!

On one hand, I understand how it got away from him and he had to keep going with it. On the other hand, I always find the remorse expressed by someone caught in a lie suspect. Are they sorry, or sorry they got caught?


I'm sort of hoping that's just a "high schoolers are dumbasses" thing and not a lifelong belief.

This is true, but I feel like this is somewhat different because it could have been any of us that were killed that day. There being such disbelief that such a thing could happen in the US. I remember an essay Barbara Kingsolver wrote at the time in which she discusses 9/11 with her young daughter, and her daughter

I was actually just thinking this morning about what it must be like to be a kid born in the US after 9/11. What it must be like to navigate the national collective PTSD from an event that you weren't even alive for, and what it must be like to listen to people older than you talk about that day. I feel as if it's