Fuck trump and the swear police.
Fuck trump and the swear police.
Not the tax cuts, but the vision of the crying liberal strawman they conjure up in their empty heads is all that really matters to these fucking idiots.
Id like Dan Patrick to strongly consider fucking himself.
Short of shooting them, what do you expect Nancy Pelosi to do about the senate?
If Chuck and Nancy would just remove enough senators to give the Democrats a majority none of mitch’s shenanigans would have mattered. Clearly mitch is the Democrats’ fault.
I sure if hes not trying to fuck you, justice blutarski is a decent, collegial fellow. I would advise her not to drink with him though.
They want you smart enough to carry out the orders, but not so smart that you realize how awful they are.
I think of the elites all the time.
I'd feel bad but that same chromosomal issue has resulted in the most non-trumpian punchable face in politics.
Id be curious to know just how much Gaetz’s mother drank while she was pregnant. He's borderline disabled.
Ok, so that I’m clear on what you’re suggesting, an American citizen should be detained indefinitely until their birthright citizenship has been adequately, beyond a shadow of a doubt, proven to the arresting agency. Further, possession of documents issued by the state in which one was born are not sufficient to prove…
Guaranteed this occurs on election day under the guise of election integrity.
Nnothing like getting cucked on your wedding night.
I’ve been calling every representative I can to get a statement on the nazi rally nonsense this fucker held. The Republicans supply their staffs with the most tepid limpdicked “both sides" responses.
In fairness to Meghan, the shit she wears usually looks like an impressionist puked on it.
That was his mating dance.
Hillary should have called them Nazis. Deplorable isnt strong enough and has too many syllables to hurt their feelings.
Remember the time Trump was buddies with a guy who fucked and pimped kids?
They were the party of Lincoln. Then Booth came along and stole their hearts.
They cant acknowledge that this is racist because so many of their voters simultaneously agree with it and claim they arent racist.