
Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads...

What they would look like after a game over screen? Uh... these are more like what would happen if they got thrown in a Eye of Terror from Warhammer 40K for a few hundred years.

Just over 40k worth of duplicates here; as an EU player, that’s just 2/3 of a month of game time. Which is essentially nothing if you’re running treasure missions and Kazzak kills on eight lvl 100s per week..
I think I’ll hang on to them.

That’s semi-correct. You will need Mac in your party to max out affinity with him. But once you gain the perk, you will have a 95% head shot percentage, no matter whether or not he’s in your party.

Reminds me of Fallout 1 and 2.

Aw, I love Champloo more than life and Gangsta’s been one of those titles I’ve seen around the internet that whenever I see its name crop up I think to myself (should I give this show a shot?).

He’s no Babu.

You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put in the disc, the game is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After 38 years, you know what I realize?


First - Two years from when it came out.

200 dollars and 2 years later you get most of the game Bungie promised 4 years ago.

Idea? Excellent.

I’ve always been a Lore junkie, so if this helps more people get into the story, rather than saying “WoW has a story??” then I’m all for it.


(Man, I fucking love this line.)

He looked at your blood bag!

Sadly none of them are using The Link, but it’s a buddy’s product so I’m gonna drop a link here anyway.

What the hell is everyone complaining about not liking this? Because its fucking cloudy? Wow...way to completely miss the fucking point of this. He cheated by “just using a sharpening filter”?

Not as good as The Sixth Sense but basically the only other good movie Shyalaman did.

You’re going to get bitter and jaded folk like me saying no, you’re going to get diehards saying yes.

You can do a trial for nothing to see part of the game, but my 2 cents. If you don’t have people to play with at level cap, a MMO sucks to get into and play solo. You can do some things, but it’s just a different

Magnetic and only on a rail. So....NOT real.