
Loved Sleeping Dogs. Going to re-play it this weekend!

Shame he didn't work on Neocron. That game could have really used his style.

I had Watch Dogs on PC pre-ordered, and due the the Uplay issues I couldn't play it at release. Add to that the various disconnection issues that persisted for a couple of weeks after, losing score/disconnecting MP matches/preventing matchmaking etc. and the whole fiasco about PC being lead platform, but having its

In Man of Steel, he's fighting multiple super-powered enemies, and while he could just zoom off into nowhere with one or two of them - the rest would just be free to do whatever the hell they wanted. That's even if he could fly far while the enemy he's carrying is doing his/her best to stop him.

Looks like a step between F1 and wipEout vehicles, far more towards the latter ofc.

Well, that's really great what with Windows 9 next year along with DX12.

It probably is the PC version, with the full HD textures, but cut down to be playable on current gen.

It has to be at least... three times bigger than this.

They've had many years to provide some evidence of their claims. They haven't.

What is this? A movie set for ants?

Don't be. It's all bollocks, from beginning to end.

May not be any JSR on the horizon, but Hover looks interesting.

Any time anyone uses the word "marvel" except to refer to the company, I can't help but think of this:

It's also a stylized "RG", despite them insisting on the acronym RoG.

System Shock 2 Co-Op multiplayer, although it can be a pain to set up, is so worth it.

It's better than the Sims circle jerk spam.

No, they should make any animation/position that gives you third person in a normally first person area take a few seconds to complete. Sitting down/getting up should give players enough time to react, not be instant.

Looks like they confused Seed ships and Destiny itself (it's there, as "Destiny Seedship"). Destiny was under 1km long, and seed ships were about half of Destiny's length.

There are so many third party Xbox 360 pads, as well, that are simply USB. It's easy to find one that you find comfortable, and it's almost always cheaper than the Microsoft standard one.