Thank you Lord!! They aren’t even my parents but I was about to be traumatized yet hopeful that Mommy and Daddy were about to get back together when I know they really, really shouldn’t.
Thank you Lord!! They aren’t even my parents but I was about to be traumatized yet hopeful that Mommy and Daddy were about to get back together when I know they really, really shouldn’t.
I wish I could remember and find the article I got this from but the real question isn’t why black actors from the UK keep getting all the good roles, it’s why great african-american actors are being ignored? Because we do have them.
Unfortunately, when they tried to do a reboot of Murder She Wrote with Octavia Spencer, Angela Lansbury killed it. So I am not that amused by her.
I am a black woman and if I were working in that CVS I would follow my mother’s advice. “You don’t know if crazy is packing!! Sit down girl!” So I never blame the minimum wage working person for deciding to make it home safe that night.
I prefer that the left remain in a state of fear and anxiety so that they make sure to vote. Let us not be the cocky one’s. Please. They used that last time and won. Grandma MAGA has nothing to do but vote while the rest of us may not be registered yet.
I have always been a voracious reader but when I was a kid I had few if any friends and didn’t talk a lot. I therefore knew a lot of higher level words but I can’t say them out loud. (inauspicious, veritable ). I just sound like an idiot or like I just learned the word and I fear reading out loud. I also speak around…
I am okay with this. Before this sale I everyone was quaking in their boots that some Chinese Billionaire was going to buy it and it would never be seen again. Public Domain? Sounds great. I am picturing the inspiration for thousands of novels, movies and art work.. Probably not that simple but better this than put in…
I am SOOO sorry that happened to you. I look at that picture of you and I see the epitome and everything we have to be proud of. Hell, I was raised in a black family, and was still accused of “acting” white because I talked funny and always had a book in my hand.
Yeah it made me wince too. But I am just going to focus on the intent of our allies. So yeah, I am going to say I am being a little nit picky and focus on the big battles rather than a skirmish that accomplishes nothing.
Yeah, but did LEAD with that on your online dating profile? I am sure that makes all the difference! 😏
Dude! If this is what she does with Native Americans, is no one quaking in their boots about how she is going to explain the slave trade? 😟