
it is pretty sad that the scum from jersey shore are making more than him.

could just be that there is not a compelling enough reason to by an ipad version of your favorite mag for $5.

@Dragonfang18: and it would be a reason that six flags is losing money. same can be said for ioa before the $300 million they spent for wwhp.

The last paragraph needs to be worded better. The talk of the next gen project is about how disney can use rfid in their guest relations operations. There is speculation of a wristband (won't happen, wristbands look tacky) along with adding rfid to the key to the magic cards. What Disney could be doing next is

@Settings: behind the scenes at disney is an eye opening experience, the magic is revealed but you appreciate what they can do.

@BrknPheonix: waiting for an hour for SM doesn't seem as long as the same wait for Nitro. One felt unbearable near the end and the other kept you feeling the wait was acceptable.

@Dragonfang18: Universal and Six Flags has the same system which is completely different than FP. Having guests pay double so they can ride more rides is just uncreative and counter-productive along with being potentially dangerous. With how often that Kingda ka broke down along with the over hour wait, seeing a

@timsargent.2: well aaa members at dl could hold multiple ones before. The FP system is in place to maximize capacity of each ride and increase the amount of rides/attractions each guest uses. Having guests hold multiple FPs will have the opposite effect because the wait for stand by riders will increase and those

@FodderTheSane: the wiper blades in the truck I was in kept freezing, the scout leader driving kept rolling his window to try and pinch the ice off because there was no shoulder to stop on.

how about some visualization options?

I was on a boy scout ski weekend when the blizzard of 96 hit, we made it from jack frost to pottstown before we got snowed in for three days at some motel. Atleast when we got back, school was canceled for the rest of the week.

@HerBDerb: the storm was very directional

@DorothyBarker: blizzards are so much more fun then mudslides, earthquakes, forrest fires, rolling black outs, and riots.

12 monkeys the sequel?

why not just break out the skis?

@psybab: exactly. this is the same thing that happens in philly, there is really no where to put the snow and parking is at capacity before the storm. philly dumped snow into the delaware back in '96 when we got over 30" and it messed with the flow of the river along with adding to the flooding in the area. the

@hostile-17: well it doesn't snow this early or that much in UK, it would be like getting a 1 foot snowfall during halloween on the east coast.

@jcrane2: you just answered your own question, nyc doesn't get snow like this and they are able to handle it.

@akarpens: I suspect she has an axe to grind and she is using taxpayers' money to do it.