
After the great Segway success, can't wait for the Benway one.

want it. now. everywhere.

Basically they do what an agent does for an actor. Look for contracts, create "multi-packs" of their artist for a performance/meeting/show, look for interviews, they are the one "creating the buzz" around every famous artist. The thing is, you might be a really good musician/singer (actor), but if no one hears you or

it is scary indeed.

"specially if you're not of European ancestry and under the age of 30". WTF?? From when having european ancestor is considered bad health??

yeah... yahoo.. Happy anniversary...

Is it just me or this means bearish news for the stock?

That reminded me about the only good idea about "world at war: los angeles". Alien that come to pick our best resource. Liquid Water.

they actually acted it very very well

I bet it's a viral from Vizio. The logo is just tooooooo readable...

I think it's actually made on purpose to show geeks it's not CGI

you see.. i can tell you this story.. a man goes to the doctor, and tell him by pointing his finger right on the spot where it hurts "doc, it hurts me here", then he points his finger in another spot and says "and here", and on another spot again, "here too" and the doctors says.. "well, maybe it's your finger."

you're right, officially. That's the whole point of open system. You don't need official upgrade. you have xda :) And this way, an "old" device (2/3 years old) like the HD2 can run gingerbread smoothly

that is exactly what I mean. Any device can last 4 years, if you know how to optimize it. But hey.. you can't really optimize a closed system. That's the whole point. I think in the long run, open system will seriously beat the crap out of closed system. You can run a fully fonctional linux on a 486 33Mhz Dx2. Of

You say it's a "mess" when the honeycomb's source code is late on arrival, but it's free, so it's really up to google to decide, not the users.

man.. this takes things to a whole new level... it's... magical... wow... steve jobs.. what a genius...

that's why catholic church will always win. They don't even have to publish the bible, people BUY it from retailers... the church is unbeatable in the world's brainwashing domination race

this looks like a 0,01Megapixel camera zoomed in

actually beeing REALLY picky, there are five questions...